Using the principles of Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibility as a guide, we have implemented the following Code of Conduct to ensure that all who participate in the YMCA enjoy a safe, welcoming and comfortable environment. We ask individuals to behave in a manner that upholds these principles at all times when they are in our facility or participating in our programs. Specifically, actions that do not adhere to these policies and are not permitted include:
- Inappropriate attire. Appropriate attire must be worn at all times.
- Use of angry or vulgar language including swearing, name-calling, or shouting.
- Making physical contact with a person in any angry or threatening manner.
- Any demonstration of sexual activity or contact with another person.
- Harassing or intimidationby words, gestures, body language, or other menacing behavior.
- Theft or behavior that results in the damage or destruction of the facility, equipment or property.
- Carrying or concealing any weapons, devices or objects which may be used as a weapon.
- Any other conduct of an inappropriate, threatening or offensive nature.
- Refusal to adhere to staff requests or commands.
- Loitering in or outside YMCA facilities or programs.
- Using or possessing illegal chemicals, tobacco products, e-cigarettes or alcohol on YMCA property, in YMCA vehicles, or at YMCA sponsored programs.
- The use of cell phones, audio, camera and video recording devices is prohibited in all locker rooms and bathrooms.
- Children under the age of 10 must be actively supervised by a parent/guardian (18 years of age or older) at all times or must be enrolled in a supervised/structured Y program.
This list covers generally unaccepted standards of conduct. Supplemental behavior, program and space specific guidelines are posted throughout the facility and provide additional information guidelines for the comfort and safety of our members, guests and staff. Please contact the CEO for additional information and explanations on any policy.
In addition, the YMCA reserves the right to deny access or membership to any person who has been accused or convicted of any crime involving sexual abuse, is or has been a registered sex offender, has ever been convicted of any offense related to the use, sale, possession, or transportation of narcotics or habit forming and / or dangerous drugs, or is presently or habitually under the influence of dangerous drugs or chemicals, narcotics or intoxicating beverages. Members or guests are encouraged to take responsibility for their personal comfort and safety by asking any person whose behavior threatens their comfort to refrain from such behavior.
Anyone who feels uncomfortable in confronting a person directly should report the behavior to a staff member. YMCA staff members are eager to be of assistance. Members and guest should not hesitate to notify a staff member if assistance is needed. In order to carry out these policies, we ask that members and guest identify themselves to staff when asked. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the YMCA will investigate all reported incidents. Suspension or termination of YMCA membership privileges may result at the discretion of the CEO if a determination finds a violation of the YMCA Code of Conduct has occurred.
The YMCA utilizes the RAPTOR system to screen all members and guests through a national sexual offender database. Suspension or termination of membership privileges may result from a violation of the Code of Conduct.
Age Requirement: Adult and youth facility members ages 14 and older are permitted full use of the Aerobic Studio. Facility members ages 10 to 13 must participate in a wellness center orientation and may use designated areas only when closely accompanied by an adult member. No one under age 10 is permitted in the Aerobic Studio.
- Swimmer Safety: Obey lifeguards at all times and report problems or emergencies to the lifeguards. Lifeguards are responsible for the safety of everyone within the pool enclosure. When a lifeguard blows his/her whistle or is speaking loudly, his/her instructions are to be obeyed. Lifeguard decisions are final.
- Age Requirements: Children 6 and under must be accompanied within arms length by an adult in the water at all times. Children 7-9 must have an adult present in the Aquatics Center. Children 10 and over can be in the Aquatics Center by themselves. All participants 13 and under must be swim tested before utilizing the pools.
- Showering: Any person using a public pool must take cleansing shower, using warm water and soap, and thoroughly rinse off all soap before entering the pool enclosure. A user leaving the pool to use the toilet must take a second cleansing shower before returning to the pool enclosure. A person who exercises, applies lotion or other substance must shower before using the pool.
- Proper Attire: Appropriate swimming attire (swimsuits) is required. No swimsuits or clothing that may be deemed YMCA inappropriate. Please try to avoid wearing street shoes on the pool deck.
- Pool Safety: No back dives, inward dives, spins or flips from the edge. Front dives are allowed only in 9 ft deep water. Inappropriate language, name calling, horseplay or fighting will not be tolerated in the Aquatics Center or locker rooms. Sitting on or hanging from pool ladders, lane lines and safety lines is not allowed. All patrons must obey lifeguards, lifeguard decisions are final.
- Food: Closed water bottles are allowed, NO glass containers. Food, gum and other beverages are not permitted in the Aquatics Center at any time.
- Pool Etiquette: No person with or suspected of having a communicable disease which could be transmitted through the use of the pool or an exposed wound, are allowed to use any public pool. No spitting, spouting, or blowing nose in pool.
- Swim Diapers: Children who wear diapers must wear designated swimming diapers. Regular diapers are not allowed at any time.
- Floatation Device Usage: Only U.S. Coast Guard floatation devices are approved. Children/adults wearing a personal floatation device must be directly supervised by an adult who is in the water next to the child/adult. If you are directly supervising a child/adult who is wearing personal floatation device, you must stay in the area of the pool that you are able to touch the bottom.
- Toys and Pool Equipment: Water toys, rafts and other unapproved floatation devices from home are not allowed at any time. Kick boards, pull buoys, flippers and other swimming lesson equipment may be used only during lap swim for stroke practice. Lifeguards always have the discretion not to allow any equipment for safety reasons.
- Aquatics Safety Breaks: Safety is our #1 priority. Safety Breaks will occur for the last ten minutes of every hour during open swim to allow our lifeguards to refocus and enhance their performance.
- Breath Holding Training: All types of breath holding are dangerous and prohibited in all bodies of water within the Aquatics Center. This includes: static, dynamic, and hypoxic training (swimmer trying to hold their breath or swimmer trying to swim as far as they can underwater).
Water Slide Policies
- Slide Requirements: Only children over 48 inches tall may utilize water slide.
- Slide Safety: Safety is our #1 priority.
- Feet first entry only (no spinning). Sitting or laying on back only. No swinging body at top of slide to pick up speed.
- Swimmers slide down without stopping.
- Exit the pool immediately after they come down waterslide.
- Only one person at a time down the slide.
- No swimming or playing in the slide area.
- No one is allowed to wear jewelry, watches, lifejackets, or goggles on slide.
Whirl Pool Policies
- Age Requirements: Patrons 13 years of age and older may use the whirlpool. Children under the age of 13 years old may not sit on the edge or dangle their feet in the whirlpool.
- Health Concerns: Individuals with medical conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, respiratory problems and those who are pregnant should avoid whirlpool use. Please consult a physician before use. Please limit your time in the whirlpool to 10-minute intervals. If exercising, cool down before you enter the whirlpool.
- Showering: Any person using a public pool must take a cleansing shower, using warm water and soap, and thoroughly rinse off all soap before entering the pool enclosure. A user leaving the pool to use the restroom must take a second cleansing shower before returning to the pool enclosure. A person who exercises, applies lotion, or uses a sauna or steam room must shower before using the pool.
- Whirl Pool Safety: No horse playing or toys of any type are allowed in whirl pool.
- Breath Holding Training: All types of breath holding are dangerous and prohibited in all bodies of water within the Aquatics Center. This includes: static, dynamic, and hypoxic training (swimmers trying to hold their breath or swimmer trying to swim as far as they can underwater).
Swim Attire
Please follow the guidelines below to keep all swimmers safe and our pools healthy.

Swimwear must be clean and designated for pool use.
- The YMCA does not allow swimmers of any age to enter the pool in clothes.
- Swimmers must bring a change of clothes specifically designated for the pool use.
- Swimsuits must not be transparent.
You may cancel a program registration up to one week prior to the beginning date of the program and receive a full refund. If cancellation is made 6 days or less prior to the start of the program, you may choose either a full credit to be used towards a future YMCA program, or a 50% cash/credit refund. If the program has already begun, no refunds or credits will be given.
We understand there may be special situations that need extra consideration; we attempt to accommodate everyone fairly and evaluate these situations on a case-by-case basis. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the program’s director.
- Age Requirement: Adult and youth facility members ages 14 and older are permitted full use of the Wellness Center. Youth facility members ages 10 to 13 must participate in a wellness center orientation and may use designated areas only when closely accompanied by an adult member. No one under age 10 is permitted in the Wellness Center.
- Wellness Orientations: It is highly recommended that all members participate in a wellness orientation. This is a benefit of your membership. This wellness orientation will include proper instruction on how to use the equipment safely and effectively. Schedule an appointment with one of our staff.
- Proper Attire: Proper workout attire is required. Closed-toe athletic shoes are required. No sandals, swimsuits, or clothing that may be deemed YMCA inappropriate.
- Towels: Disinfecting wipes are be provided to wipe down each machine after use. It is highly recommended that you bring a workout towel.
- Circuit has Priority: Members who wish to use the strength training in circuit format are given priority over those performing multiple sets. Circuit users utilize each machine for a set of 8-12 repetitions. If you intend to perform more than one set of repetitions on a machine, please allow others to work through on the equipment as you rest between sets.
- Cardio Time Limit: Please show respect and courtesy by limiting your time on all cardio equipment to thirty minutes during peak times or when others are waiting.
- Cell Phones: For your safety, and out of respect for other members we ask that all cell phone calls be taken outside of the wellness center.
- Food: Closed water bottles are allowed. Food, gum and other beverages are not permitted in the wellness center at any time.
- Gym Bags: For your safety, please store personal belongings in the locker rooms or designated areas. Locks are available at the Member Services Desk. This includes gym bags, purses, extra clothing, etc. The Y is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
- Rack Your Weights: As a courtesy to all members, when using free weights please return equipment to its proper place at the end of your workout.
- Collars & Spotters: For the safety of all members, collars are required on all free weight bars and spotters are recommended. Please do not drop weights.
- Personal Trainers: The Y offers Personal Training for our facility members. Use of non-Y personal trainers is prohibited within this facility and may result in loss of membership
Members, program participants, and guests can expect:
- To be treated with caring, honesty, respect and responsibility by all YMCA staff and volunteers
- Clean facilities and equipment in good repair
- Knowledgeable and helpful staff
- Policies and procedures to be in place to help keep people safe
- A YMCA that is fun for the whole family
- To be asked to contribute to the YMCA’s mission.
The Marshall Area YMCA instills the values of caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility through programs and services that build a healthy spirit, mind and body for all.
- Use of Kids Gym is for children under 10 years old.
- For the safety of all children, parent (or responsible person age 15 or older) must be PRESENT at Kids Gym and ACTIVELY supervising their children and their behavior.
- For the safety of all children, no pushing, roughhousing or throwing of blocks.
- No food or drink of any kind is allowed in the Kids Gym area due to the cleanliness of the mats and food allergies.
- Children must be in appropriate, dry gym clothes and must remove their shoes before entering the Kids Gym mats.
- Please report all accidents/behavior issues on Kids Gym immediately to the Service Center.
- Age Requirement: Adult and youth facility members ages 14 and older are permitted to full use of the track. Youth facility member’s ages 10 to 13 must be closely accompanied by an adult member. No one under age 10 is permitted on the track. Strollers may be on the track during nonpeak hours and must have clean, dry wheels before being brought on the track.
- Proper Attire: Proper workout attire is required. Closed-toe athletic shoes are required. No sandals, swimsuits, or clothing that may be deemed YMCA inappropriate.
- Food: Closed water bottles are allowed. Food, gum and other beverages are not permitted on the track at any time.
- Track Etiquette: Please observe the daily directional signs: On even days utilize track in a clockwise motion and on odd days in a counter-clockwise motion. Run or walk no more than two abreast and always be aware of others wanting to pass. All walkers and slower runners please keep to the inside rail. Please no spitting on the track.
- Track Safety: For the safety of all members, balls, open air stereos and dropping of dumbbells are prohibited. No spectators permitted on the track.
- Gym bags: For your safety, please store personal belongings in the locker rooms or designated areas. This includes gym bags, purses, extra clothing, etc. The Y is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
- Cell phones: For your safety, and out of respect for other members we ask that all cell phone calls be taken off of the track and outside of the wellness center.
- Track Mileage: As a courtesy to our members, lap counters are available for check out at our Fitness Desk. 12 laps = 1 mile
Tornado Policy
In the instance of a Tornado Warning being issued, or the Tornado sirens sounding, the YMCA facility tornado shelters are the locker room areas. If sirens are sounding everyone in the YMCA facility will be sent to the locker rooms for the duration of the warning and severe weather event.
Winter Weather Policy
In case of severe winter weather, we will follow Marshall Public School cancellations for our classes and programs with this plan:
- If Marshall Public Schools are TWO HOURS LATE, we will have no group exercise classes or programs until 12 noon. NO MORNING CHILD WATCH.
- If Marshall Public Schools are DISMISSED EARLY, group exercise classes and programs will be canceled through the end of the day. After School Program WILL STILL BE HELD at the Y as scheduled beginning at the time schools are dismissed. NO EVENING CHILD WATCH.
- If Marshall Public Schools are CLOSED; we will cancel all group exercise classes and programs for the day. After School Program will not be held on days schools are closed before school begins. CHILD WATCH WILL BE CLOSED.